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Seek First The Kingdom Of Yahweh

And His Righteousness

And ALL These Things Shall Be Added Unto You,
(Matthew 6:33).

The Best That The World Has To Offer You Is The Current Real Time Quotes,
But Yahweh Will Show You The Things To Come, (John 16:13)~!

Good News~!
(Isaiah 61:1-3; Luke 4:18-19)

… “I Do Not Consider, Sisters And Brothers, That I Have Captured And Made It My Own [Yet]; But One Thing I Do: Forgetting What, ‘Lies’ Behind; And Straining Forward To What Is Ahead, I Press On Toward The Goal For The Prize Of The ‘High Calling’ Of Yahweh In Christ Jesus, {Ha Mashiach ~ {The Anointed} Yahoshua]”, (Philippians 3:13-14).

An Interpretive Translation Of Philippians 3:13 Could Read: “It’s Time For You To Turn Loose Of The Past! You Need To Put It Aside, Deliberately Ignoring And Purposefully Disregarding What Happened Yesterday. The Past Is Old And Obsolete, So Why Fixate On It Any Longer? Stop Turning Around To Reflect On The Past. You Need To Get It Out Of Your System, Put It Behind You Forever, And Purposefully Forget About It…

The Operative Word Above Is, “LIES”, Because…
… “If We Confess Our Sins, He Is Faithful And Just To Forgive Us Our Sins, And To Cleanse Us From All Unrighteousness”,
(1 John 1:9).

Reaching Forward To What Is Ahead.  It’s Like When I Ran A 10k Road Race, And I Took The First Mile Too Slow, (It’s Astonishingly Simple To Follow The 7-13 Year Olds And Run The First Part Way Too Fast, And Not Have Any Steam Left For The Grand Finale, So You Purposely Go Slow The First Mile).  I’ve Accidently Crossed The First Mile At 5:34 Before, And That’s Clipping Right Along, But I Won’t Reach My Goal Of A 40:40 Minute 10k, If I Keep That Speed Up.  Instead, You’ll Get, “Winded” And End Up With A 58 Minute 10k, (Not Very Good, Ask Me How I Know).  To Reach My Goal Of A 40:40 Minute 10k, I Needed To Be On An Even Kneel With An Average Time Of 6:40 Minutes Per Mile.

But, Now You Are Aware When You Cross The Mile Mark And You Hear Them Mark The Time Out As 7:08; 7:09; 7:10; 7:11; When You Wanted To Hear Between 6:30 & 6:40… So You Ramp It Up A Notch, But Not Too Much Because You Still Got The Hill To Climb… So, Then Finally After Hearing The Theme From Rocky Five Times, You Top The Hill And You’re Feeling Fine, A Little Winded, But In 30 Seconds or So You’ll Have Your Second Wind.

As You Approach The Next Three Downhill Miles Of The Cotton Row Run, You Stretch Your Legs, Knowing That If You Push It Some, You Can Make Up The Time.  You’re Not Concerned Anymore That You Missed The Mark Back At The First Mile… Forgetting Those Things That Lie Behind, You Stretch Out Your Stride On The Down Hill Side.  Literally, Instead Of Having A 38” Running Stride, You Stretch Out To 41” or More.  You Forget Those Things That Are Behind, And You See If You Can’t Make Up Some Time~!

God’s Word Translation Actually Says This Exact Thing.
Sisters And Brothers, I Can’t Consider Myself A Winner Yet.  This Is What I Do:  I Don’t Look Back, I Lengthen My Stride, And I Run Straight Toward The Goal To Win The Prize That God’s Heavenly Call Offers In Christ Jesus, (Philippians 3:13-14).

If You’re A Want-a-Be Runner, I’m Giving You The Clues On How To Be A Track Star, (This Was My Actual Run And I Ended At 40:40 Minutes ~ Average Time 6:40 Miles, Right On The Money) … Even Though The First Mile Was 7:11.  I Press Towards The Mark, But Only Because I Didn’t Burn Out Too Early At The Start).

Forgetting About Your Past Boo-Boo’s, You See If You Can Make Up Some Time~!  I’ll Bet That You Can~!  I’m Confident Of Yahweh In You…

By The Way, My Last Mile Was 5:36 Pace~!  So, You Can Finish Better Than You Started, Even If You Made Mistakes.  I Remember I Just Kept Saying Over And Over In My Head, “I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me”. (Philippians 4:13). For The Hard Parts And, “Greater Is He That Is In Me Than He That Is In The World”, (1 John 4:4). For The Places Where I Wanted To Excel Even More

But The Person Who Is United To Yahweh Becomes One Spirit With Him ~ (1 Corinthians 6:17
), (The Amplified Bible Classic Edition).

Has Someone Ever Told You How Amazing You Are, And You Said, “Thank You” With A Smile, But In Your Heart You Couldn’t Find Any Reason To Believe What They Said?  All You Could Think About Was How You Missed It So Much In The Past.

It’s Not Difficult To Focus On The Things That Are Wrong About Us, And Super Easy To Agree With ALL The Negative Things That Has Ever Been Said About Us, “I Was Overwhelmed With Love When The Voice Of Yahweh Whispered To Me, “I Still Want You”., “What?”, “Yahweh Are You Kidding Me~!”, “You Still Want Me?”  Tears Filled My Eyes, And For The First Time I Found A Reason To Believe What He Spoke To Me, (He Made Us Accepted In The Beloved ~ Ephesians 1:6).  These Are The Only Two Times This Word, “Accepted” Is Used In The New Testament.  Therefore, Being, “Accepted In The Beloved” Means You Are, “Highly Favored” Of Yahweh~!

It’s Not Enough To Read About Yahweh And Have Knowledge Of Who He Says You Are And Never Enter Into That Reality, “Yahweh Dreamed About You Before The Foundations Of The Earth Were Formed And He Wrapped Your Body Around That Dream, (Jeremiah 1:5;Psalm 139:13-17; Isaiah 49:1, 5; Exodus 33:12; Luke 1:15; Galatians 1:15).

Beloved The Truth Is, “No Matter How Many Times We May Have Thought We Disqualified Ourselves, Yahweh Still Wants Us”, (Colossians 1:12; 2 Corinthians 3:5; 1 John 3:20)~!  This Reality Is Profound, And It Changes Everything~!  Circumstances In Our Lives Change. None-the-Less; Yahweh Is Constant, And His Dream About Us And Our Destiny Is Still The Same~!”

Yahweh Is A Gentlemen, “He Will Never Force His Dream For Our Lives On Us.  It Is Totally Up To Us Whether We Choose To Walk Out Yahweh’s Purpose or Believe The Lies Of d—Evil One, (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Why Would Yahweh Have To Remind Me That He Still Wanted Me, (or You)?   Because I Had Forgotten.  I Was So Caught Up In The Routine Of Life, That I Lost Sight Of The Very Thing That I Was Living For Though I’m Not Worthy, He Still Wants Me.  It’s A Beautiful Reality To Know That Even In My Weak Attempts To Love Him He Wants Us For We Are Accepted In The Beloved, (Ephesians 1:6)~!

Here’s What We Ought To Be Saying, “I, Even I, {Yahweh}, Am He Who Blots Out And Cancels Your Transgressions, For My Own Sake, And I Will NOT Remember Your Sins.  Put Me In Remembrance [Remind Me Of Your Merits]; Let Us Plead And Argue Together.  Set Forth Your Case, That You May Be Justified (Proved Right)”,

(Isaiah 43:25-26;
Jeremiah 31:31-34;
1 John 1:9

Click Or Tap Here To See If Your Sins Are Blotted Out And How You Can Return To The Father~!

Yahweh Is Saying, I’m Writing You A Blank Check, “Meditate On, And Think About Some Events In Your Life When You Did Something Right”.  Put Yahweh In Remembrance Of That.  Don’t Come To The Father Every Time Rehearsing What You’ve Done Wrong When He’s Paid The Bill And Given You A Clean Slate.  Pop On Over, And Read This Website About Righteousness And Then Bop Back Over Here.

In The Movie, “City Slickers”, Curly Tells Mitch About The Secret Of Life, And Says That There’s Just One Thing, And Then Leaves That Stone Unturned By Not Telling What That One Thing Is, And Says That It Is Something That Each Person Must Discover For Themselves.  Well, The Scriptures Gives Us Some Clues As To What That One Thing Is.  Yahoshua Told Martha That Mary Had Found That One Thing Is Needful, And That Is To Listen To Yahoshua, (Luke 10:38-42).

And The Apostle Paul Goes On To Say, I Do Not Consider, Sisters And Brothers, That I Have Captured And Made It My Own [Yet]; But One Thing I Do [It Is My One Aspiration]: Forgetting What LIES Behind And (Philippians 3:13-14), And Straining Forward To What Is Ahead.

And Yahoshua Instructs Us To, “Seek First His Kingdom And His Righteousness, And All These Things Will Be Given To You As Well”, (Matthew 6:33).

The Word, “First”, Might Be Referring To The Order, Like Put Your Socks On First Before You Put Your Shoes On, Similarly To Where We Are Instructed To “First Pray For Those In Authority”, (1 Timothy 2:1-3), But We Are Also Instructed To “Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem”, (Psalm 122:6).

Well, I Found That Proverbs 4:21-24 Says That The Words Of Yahweh Concerning You, “That They Are Life To Those That Find Them And Health To Your Whole Body~!

Faith Comes By Hearing And Hearing The Rhema’, <4487> or Revealed Word From Yahweh Over And Over And Over Again, {Not From Having Heard}, (Romans 10:17)

How To Get Yahweh’s Word In Your Heart~!

1 John 1:9 Says, “If We [Freely] Admit That We Have Sinned And Confess Our Sins, He Is Faithful And Just (True To His Own Nature And Promises) And Will Forgive Our Sins [Dismiss Our Lawlessness] And [Continuously] Cleanse Us From ALL Unrighteousness [Everything Not In Conformity To His Will In Purpose, Thought, And Action]”.

d—Evil One* Will Try To Remind You Of ALL Those Times That You Made So Many Mistakes.  In Fact, He’ll Say, “You Want To See The Videos”, And Harp On Choices Where You Could Have Done Better Until You Just Hate Yourself, “LIES”, Being The Operative Word, (Philippians 3:13-14).  He Who Repeats or Harps On A Matter Separates Even Close Friends ~ (Proverbs 17:9); And It Is d—Evil One‘s Plan For Your Life To Be Separated From Yahweh, And Not Have A Close Relationship With Your Heavenly Father.

However, All Of This Good News Of The Gospel Of Peace Can Only Be Yours When You Allow Yahoshua To Be Your Lord. If Not, Then See The Link Below

Yahweh God Loves You and Is Not Mad At You And Has A Wonderful Plan For Your Life~!
(Isaiah 54:9; Jeremiah 29:11)

But Yahweh Is Faithful, Who Will Establish You, And Guard You From The Evil One, (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

Not Only Does The Word, “devil” Contain The Word, “evil”; But 12 Times In In The New Testament, From The World English Bible; The Devil, Is Referred To As, “The Evil One”, (d—Evil One).

You Might Be Saying, But Let Me Raise My Family First.  Finish Raising Them In Heaven.  Let Me Explain It This Way.  What Is A Widow?  A Widow Is Someone Whose Husband Is Not Present.  How Much More So, Should We Be Expecting And Longing For Yahoshua’s Return All The While.  We Are Like Widows Because We Are The Bride Of Christ And We Are Without Our Husband, And Groom Yahoshua.  If Your Spouse Walks To The Other Room, You Might Miss Them For A Second.  If They Go To Work All Day, You Look Forward To Seeing Them At The Close Of The Day.  But, If They Go Out Of Town For A Couple Of Days Or A Week; Then For A Season, You Are A Widow or A Widower.  You Miss Them.  If The Phone Rings Or You Get A Text Message On Your Cell Phone, You Answer It Immediately.  You Are Thinking, Is This Them?  Maybe, They Are Calling To Tell Me The Meetings Ended Early And They Are Coming Home~!  Yip-eee~!

If The Only Thing Preventing You From Telling Someone How To Ask Yahoshua To Be Their Lord, Is Because You Feel That They Might Pigeon Hole You Into "They’re One Of Those" Categories.  How Would You Feel About That If You Really Believed That Yahoshua Could Return Any Day Now, And They Will Go To Hell.  Do You Care What They Are Going To Think. Besides, That’s Assuming That They Don’t Get Saved.

The Word Will Not Return Void, (Isaiah 55:11); So Use Faith When You Witness And Ask The Holy Ghost What To Say So, That When They Get Saved, Then They Are Going To Say, “When I First Met S0-And-So, I Thought They Were ‘Bonkers’, But Now, I’m So Thankful That They Had The Bravery To Tell Me About Yahweh’s Love For Me”.

If You Need Help Telling Them How To Allow Yahoshua To Be Their Lord,
Go To One Of These Web Sites:
How To Pray:

Mix Faith With The Scriptures Below To Believe That The Holy Ghost Will Fill Your Mouth The Right Words Fitly Spoken At Just The Right Time…

Exodus 4:12; Psalm 81:10;
Psalm 103:5; Isaiah 50:4-5;
Matthew 10:19-20;
Luke 12:11-12; Mark 13:11;
Colossians 4:6; James 3:2;
Proverbs 15:23; Proverbs 25:1


Jeanne Calment From Jamaica Was Born 02/21/1875 And Passed On 08/04/1997 Living To Be 122 Years Old, “She Is Reported By The News Media To Have Been The World’s Oldest Living Person And The Oldest Female, Ever To Have Lived”, “Jiroemon Kimura Is Reported To Be The First Male To Reach Age 116”.

These Folks Are Not The Oldest Persons In The World, Not Now Nor Ever.  Nor Are They The First To Reach 117.  Not Even Close.  Have You Ever Heard The Phrase, “Old As Methuselah?”

For Those That Haven’t Read This In The Scriptures, Methuselah Was The Oldest Man In The World.  Methuselah Meant, “Death And Sent”, or Alternatively, “His Death Shall Bring Judgment”.  He Lived 969 Years (Genesis 5:27), Longer Than Anyone Else Recorded.  His Father Was Enoch, Who Lived A Life Of 365 Years, “And Enoch Walked With God: And He [Was] Not; For God Took Him” (So, Enoch Never Died,Genesis 5:24).

Enoch’s Father, {Jared}, Lived 962 Years And Enoch’s GrandFather, {Mahalalel}, Lived 836 Years, And Enoch’s Great GrandFather, {Kenan}, Lived 840 Years And Enoch’s Great, Great, GrandFather, {Enosh}, Lived 905 Years, And Enoch’s Great, Great, Great, GrandFather, {Seth}, Lived 807 Years, And Enoch’s Great, Great, Great, Great, GrandFather, {Adam}, (The 1st Man), Lived To Be 930 Years Old.

I Suspect Enoch Will Be One Of The Two Witnesses That Appear In Revelation 11:3, As, “It Is Appointed Once For A Human Being To Die”, (Hebrews 9:27); And Enoch Has Not Met His Appointment.  Methuselah Was Also The GrandFather Of Noah.  Methuselah Had A Son Named Lamech And He Lived 777 Years, And His Son Was Noah, Who Lived 950 Years.

However, Methuselah Dies In The Year Of The Flood~!

What’s Really Odd About This Is That Methuselah’s Father Enoch Prophesied.  Listen As You Read This Prophesy, “And About These Also Enoch, [In] The Seventh [Generation] From Adam, Prophesied, Saying, ‘Behold, Yahweh Came With Many Thousands Of His Holy Ones, To Execute Judgment Upon ALL, And To Convict ALL The Ungodly Of ALL Their Ungodly Deeds Which They Have Done In An Ungodly Way, And Of ALL The Harsh Things Which Ungodly Sinners Have Spoken Against Him.’”, (Jude 1:14-15)

And So, Whenever Methuselah Would Die, Judgment Would Fall, “But, To Show The Graciousness Of Our Loving Father, Yahweh Allowed Methuselah To Outlive Any Other Human, (Ever), So As To Provide Time For The People To Repent, {Yahweh Is Not Slack Concerning His Promise, As Some Men Count Slackness; But Is Longsuffering To Us-Ward, Not Willing That Any Should Perish, But That All Should Come To Repentance~ (2 Peter 3:9)}.  Romans 2:4 Says, “Or Do You Think Lightly Of The Riches Of His Kindness And Tolerance And Patience, Not Knowing That The Kindness Of Yahweh God Leads You To Repentance?”

You See, Repentance Is The Biggest Key In The World, You Might Have Done Stuff So Bad, You Think You’ll Never Be Forgiven.  No, That’s Not True.  Read The Scriptures And You’ll See Where Kings Offered Their Children To Idols To Be Burned, But They Repented And Yahweh Forgave Them, (2 Kings 21:1-6; 2 Chronicles 33:9-13).  Yahweh Can And Will Forgive You Also, If You’ll Repent.  Even People That Are Way Off, Usually Just Don’t Know Yahweh.  For Yahweh Promises In 1 Timothy 2:25, “In Gentleness Correcting Those Who Oppose Him: Perhaps Yahweh God May Give Them Repentance Leading To A Full Knowledge Of The Truth”.

So, If You’re Doing Stuff You Know You Ought Not To Be Doing, Just Confess This To Yahweh And Say, “Help Me, Yahweh”. “And He Is Able To Keep That Which You Commit To Him, Against That Day, (2 Timothy 1:12), And Is Able To ‘Keep You’ From Stumbling, And To Make You Stand In The Presence Of His glory Blameless With Great Joy, (Jude 1:24)”.  Wouldn’t You Like To Stand Before Yahweh With Great Joy, Knowing That You Are Blameless, “His Can Be Yours, If You Repent.

Ephesians 2:4-9 Tells Us.  4 But Yahweh, Who Is RICH In MERCY, Because Of His GREAT Love With Which He Loved Us, 5 Even When We Were Dead In Trespasses, Made Us Alive Together With Christ (By Grace You Have Been Saved), 6 And Raised Us Up Together, And Made Us Sit Together In The Heavenly Places In Christ Jesus, 7 That In The Ages To Come He Might Show The Exceeding Riches Of His Grace In His Kindness Toward Us In Christ Jesus.  8 For By Grace You Have Been Saved Through Faith, And That Not Of Yourselves; It Is The Gift Of Yahweh Yahweh God, 9 Not Of Works, Lest Anyone Should Boast.

Father, I Repent Today, “Hold On To This Commitment For Me, Because I Could Stumble And Fail Before Nightfall.  Help Me To Walk In Your Ways ALL Of My Life.  Yahoshua Come Be My Boss.  Direct Me In The Paths Of Righteousness For Your Name’s Sake.  I Look Forward To Standing Before You In Joy, Blameless~!”

Would You Like To Have Yahweh Be Your Father?

If So, Click On The White Flag Below.

Whoever calls On The name Of Yahweh Shall Be saved.  “Acts 2:21

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Through Yahweh We Shall Do Valiantly, For It Is He Who Shall Tread Down Our Adversaries.
(Psalm 60:12; Psalm 108:13)

Our God Is An Awesome God
Jeremiah 29:13-14
I Do Not Trust In Uncertain Riches, But I Trust In The Living God, {Yahweh}, Who Gives Us Richly ALL Things To Enjoy~!

Opening Page
The Righteousness Of Yahweh
Righteousness Consciousness
Sin Consciousness
Establish Your Heart
Feeling UnWorthy
Relying On Man
New Creation
Self Righteous
Blessings Of Abraham
Oblivious To Us
Sin Nature
Faith Righteousness
Righteous Nature
Feeling Accepted
Righteousness Of Yahweh
Sacred Cow
Believe You’re Righteous
What You Say
More Witnesses
 Hearing Yahweh
My Quiet Spot
A Willing Heart
Testing The Voice
Ready To Obey
Yahweh’s Thoughts
How Yahweh Talks
Take No Thought~!
How Will I Know When It Is Time?
Take A Word From Yahweh
Arguing With Yourself
Still Small Voice
Inquire Of Yahweh
Believe You Are Hearing Yahweh
How To Hear Yahweh
Study The Word
Developing A Listening Hear For Yahweh
Characteristics Of A Listening Spirit
The Holy Ghost
A Blood Covenant
A Covenant Is An Exchange
Son Of Man
More Than A Contract
Blood Covenant
Irrevocable Contract
Covenant Started
Blessing And Curse
Right Timing
Forever Covenant
More Covenants
Final Covenant
Debt Reconciled
Yahoshua Became Man
Yahoshua Is Still A Human Being
Last Will & Testament
Faith Still Going
Yahweh Of This World
Ruler Of This World
UnRelenting Love
Authority Over The Earth
Covenant Rights
Still In Covenant
Better Promises
Taking Yahweh’s Name In Vain
Strong Tower
Guard Your Mouth~!
Mix Faith
The Truth Will Set You Free~!
The Big Swap
Plain And Simple
The Battle Is Yahweh’s
Does Yahweh Heal?
Is Anybody Sick?
Meditate On These
Healing Testimony
Compare These
Call For The Oil
The Debt Has Been Reconciled
The Bill’s Already Been Paid
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Meditate On These Scriptures
A Lack Of Knowledge
Stay In Great Health
By His Stripes
People Destroyed
Effective Faith
Good Things
Catch 22
No Lack
Not Partial
Faith Of Yahweh
Beloved Acceptance
Job Repented
Two Kingdoms
Your Call
Not My Thought
Thought Replacement
His Wounds For Ours
Prayer Of Faith
Prayer Of Agreement
Pertains To Life
Are Not
Wishy Washy
Be Attitudes
How To Live Long And Prosper
Can You Feel The Love?
Words Of Faith
Trusting Yahweh
Grace Explained
Paul Dumps Mark
Paul’s Choice
Same Body
Patch The Hole
As Yahoshua Walked
Imitators Of Yahweh
By The Love
I Desire Mercy
Love So Important?
The Mirror Effect
Quench The Spirit
Judging Others
The Truth
Change Your Mind
Weapons Of Warfare
Does Sin Block Us?
Not Invited In
Sacrificial Love Walk
Love Is Not
Hidden Love
Exhort & Encourage
The Right Focus
Equip The Saints
Believe In Others
You Are Precious~!
Abba ~ Father
In Your Heart
Performance Based
Yahweh Is A Good God
I Am
Yahweh Is With Me
Love Is An Action
Free Gift
Time With Yahweh
Truth Being Told
Know The Truth
Make You Free
Love Edifies
Barnabas & Paul
Mind Of Christ
The Process
Helping Others
Asking How
Learn As You Go
Understanding Others
Languages Of Love
Leadership Styles
Personality Types
Praise Ways
How We Learn
Kindred Love
Trusting Yahweh
Relaxing In Faith
Talk Faith
Take Stock
Better Covenant
Faith Choices
Limiting Yahweh
A Sure Word
You Cast The Deciding Vote
Touch Him, {Touch Hem}
Faith Comes By Hearing
Talking The Faith Talk
Taking The Leap Of Faith
The Light Dawns
Peter Lost His Focus
We Walk By Faith
Stay Focused On Yahweh’s Promises
Possess The Land
Dispossess Their Land
Milk And Honey
As Yahweh Said It Would Be~!
Ten Spies Give An Evil Report
Spy Report
Let The Redeemed Say So
Remaining Steadfast
Integrity Of The Word
Angels Ministering
We Are A Voice Uttering
Say The Good Confession
The Three Amigos
Expecting Blessing
Froward Mouth & Perverse Lips
Twisted Thinking
Saying The Same Thing
Defraud & Deceiving Yourself
Speak Positive
Had What They Said
They Too Had What They Said
Walking The Faith Walk
Hearing And Hearing
Heal Myself
God Cannot Lie
Light Dawns
Have Mercy
Say That Again
Faithful Yahweh
Meditate Word Of Yahweh
Healed Them ALL
Faith Arises
Count The Cost
Money Hinders Healings
Final Answer
Diseases Healed
Bridge Wind
Alpine Slide
Rocket Man
Not Ashamed
On The Road
Overcome Fears
Deliverance Prescription
Take No Thought
Thoughts Captive
Word Power
Other Resources
 In Spirit
The Spirit Of Yahweh
Traditions Of People
The Promise
Saw & Heard
Speaks To Yahweh
 The Love Walk
Faith Works By Love
More Than
The Law Of Christ
Love Is
Rich In Mercy
Yahwehs Goodness
Mercy Seat
Love Covers
Cover Me
Medicated Bandages
Timely Help
Come Boldly
Good News
Faith Works By Love
Opposite Of Love
How Fear Works
Even As
Keeping Your Joy
Joy Of Yahweh
Love Is An Action
Love Edifies
Love Is The Fulfillment Of The Law
Love Is The New Commandment
Love Defined
RealLove Is
Love One Another
For Love Is Of Yahweh
Keep My Commandments
Yahweh Will Keep Us
Receiving One Another
Love Never Fails
Prayer Of Faith For Grace
Yahoshua Laughing
Strife ~ The Bait
The Glory Connected To Keeping Our Joy
To Stay In Joy, We Must Stay In Love
The Joy Of Yahweh
The Greater One Is Inside Us
Kindred Love
Thanksgiving Victory
You’ll Only Bloom Where Yahweh Planted You
Help For The Hurting~!
Sound The Alarm~!
The Trigger Of Offense
Offended People Are Trapped
Conflict Is d—Evil One Weapon
The Enemies Weapons Are Only Carnal
Offenses Will Come
What’s The Catch
Love Is Not Touchy or Resentful
Peter Offended
Will You Flee?
Doubting Is UnBelief
Offense Will Make Your Heart Frozen
Get Understanding
Be Forgiving
Surrendering To Self
Letting Go
Other Resources On Love
Don’t Swallow The Hook
The Peace That Passes Understanding
The Weapons Of Our Warfare
We Bless With Our Mouth
Pray For Those That Persecute You
Bless Your Enemies
Teflon Coating
Anakin Skywalker Offended
What’s Our Response To Be Offended
 Praise & Worship
Many Ways Of Expression
Seven Ways To Worship
Worship Testimony
Barak, (or Barouch)
Hallel, (or Hawlal)
Other Praise Words
What Praise Does
Corporate Worship
Unity ~ Symphony
Adopted By Yahweh
Apostles & Prophets
The Armor Of Yahweh
My Pastor(s)
A Loved Ones Departing
How To Draw Near To Yahweh
Our Authority
The Fear Of Yahweh
Setting Goals
Yahweh Loves You
Mysterious Ways
A Memorial
Our Identity
Invite Yahoshua
Knowing Yahweh
Scripture Study Tools
Yahweh’s Word Is True
My Church
Titles Of Yahweh
One Voice
Powerful Prayers
Prayer For All The Nations
Prayer For The Lost
Racial & Ethnic Reconciliation
Pray For Jerusalem
Speak Forth
Believers’ Voice Of Victory With OnLine Scripture
The Joy Of Yahweh
The Spirit Of Yahweh
Healing Testimony
Purpose Driven
Our Voice
We Are A Triune Being
Spiritual Warfare
Building A Memorial
 I Spoke
I Have Spoken
Does What We Say Really Matter?
Confessing Is Professing
When Does Yahweh Deliver?
For Then
A Sure Thing
Our Part
Have What You Say
I Say To You
Faith Works By Love
Singing Is Speaking With Power
For She Said
Her Faith
Your Faith
For She Kept Saying
Jairus Walked With Yahoshua
Believe And Receive
Yahoshua Met Jairus Where His Faith Was~!
Binding & Loosing

I Have Spoken
Hold Fast To Your Confession
Confess Means To Say The Same Thing
The Good News Of Christ
“Fight The Good Fight Of Faith”
Devourer Rebuked
Call Everybody
Having Done All To Stand
Pork Chops Testimony
Supply According To His Riches
All My Needs Are Met
We Order Our Mouths
Confess With Your Mouth
Death And Life
Our Words
David Calls
If You Had Faith
Take No Thought, SAYING
Yahoshua SPOKE To The Fever
Yahoshua SPOKE To The WIND~!
Let Us Go Over To The Other Side”
The Words Of My Lips
Acts, Not Facts
Greater Is He
NOT Against Flesh And Blood
He Sent His Word
Uttered His Voice
Every Word Of Yahweh Is Important
Yahweh Gives Us The Victory
If You Say So
I Say To You
Yahweh’s Words Always Produce
Yahweh’s Words Causes Things Happen
Study How To Answer
Grace Ministered By Your Words
Words Of Life
Edifying Words Build Up
Words That Will Help Others Become Stronger
The Tongue Of The Wise Promotes Health~!
Plentifully Declaring The Thing As It Is~!”
Your Words Can Change The OutCome~!
Damaging Words Hurt Folks~!
Dissension At Antioch
Dissension At Iconium
Stop Talking About Others~!
Fit Of Rage~!
It Just Slipped Out~!
Angry Words Spoken Causes Discouragement~!
Teach Your Children About Yahweh
Speak To The Rock
The Mouth Speaks
Speak To It
Blessings, Not Cursings
Send Forth Your Word
The Tongue Is Like A Rudder
Not Wavering ~ No Ambiguity
The Truth That You Know Shall Make You Free
Watch Your Mouth
You Don’t Say
I Don’t Say
My Words Are Powerful
Fill My Mouth WIth Good Words
Be Full, But Don’t Be A Fool
Only Believe
He Is A Rewarder
I Believed I Received
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 Praise Is Giving Thanks
Why So Down Cast?
One Word From Yahweh
You Shall Rejoice~!
Faith Righteousness
Giving Thanks
The Correct Protocol
Make Your Requests To Yahweh
Don’t Talk The Problem~!
Petition Yahweh ~ Not Others~!
Again, I Say Rejoice~!
Here Comes The Judge~!
Don’t Rehearse The Curse~!
Abundantly Above All We Ask or Think
Think Big~!
Enter Into His Gates With Thanksgiving~!
The Light Dawns~!
Praising Yahweh~!
Joyful Again~!
Rejoicing Means You Used To Have Joy~!
Rejoicing In Adverse Circumstances
Whine Flu
After He Had Given Thanks With Thanksgiving

Pray For President Donald Trump


Our God Is An Awesome God

Jeremiah 29:13-14

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Whoever calls On The name Of Yahweh Shall Be saved.  Acts 2:21

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In Righteousness I Shall Be Established; I Shall Be Far From Oppression, For I Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near Me, (Isaiah 54:14).

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In Righteousness You Shall Be Established; You Shall Be Far From Oppression, For You Shall Not Fear; And From Terror, For It Shall Not Come Near You.  Isaiah 54:14

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